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Horsham & District Canine Society Open Show 2014 Critique

Thanks to the exhibitors for braving the perishingly cold venue and to my steward Brian whose fingers were turning blue. The soft, sandy, equestrian floor can be challenging for some hounds (and some handlers) and can reveal those who are not entirely sound. But, thankfully, none of the hounds were affected by it today.

Junior: (2, 0abs)

1. Spring-Arnold’s Chuilinn Bellina. 9 month shapely hound who appeared to be thoroughly enjoying her day out. Good front assembly and balanced rear angulation with adequate width behind. Correct, neat feet. Playful and unsettled to begin with but, once settled, she moved well.  BP and RBOB. Very pleased to see her being awarded 3rd in the Hound Puppy Group.

2. Meer’s Shagiead Aunty Hetty for Lordswell.  15 month hound who appears to be going through a typical gangly junior stage.  A little unsettled on the move today. Lovely head and expression. Good rear angulation.  Would prefer rise over loin to be a little further back. It will be interesting to see how she grows on.

Postgraduate: (1, 0abs)

1. Erskine’s Sorrisdale Maclindon. Veteran hound of 10 plus years.  Feminine, shapely outline. Correct harsh coat.  Balanced angulation fore and aft. Neat feet and well-muscled for her age. Beautiful, well furnished face and lovely expression.  Good long, strong tail. However, she did not appear to be happy on the move today and looked like she’d rather be curled up in front of the fire rather than out in the cold at Ardingly.

Open: (3, 0abs)

1. Redmond’s Hyndsight Ripley Into Shagiead. Mature 5 year old hound just in her prime.  Curvy outline. Dark, correct coat. Lovely head and expression.  Good front assembly and neat feet with correct slope to pasterns.  Correct rise over loin.  Good rear angulations which she used well on the move showing drive and effortless motion. BOB. Unfortunately unable to stay for the group today. 

2. Buswell’s Glenmorlich Just for Fun. Another mature hound in her prime at 6 years old. Slightly heavier type than 1. Good front assembly with correct forechest which is sadly lacking in many hounds. Good depth of brisket.  Correct rear angulation. Moved well but not with quite as much drive as 1.

3. Erskine’s Sorisdale Maclindon.

Judge: Dee Blatchford.